New artistic PhD project  that will finish in 2027. 

“APPROACHING DEATH: transforming our conversations around fear of dying”

This artistic practice-based PhD project explores the fundamental question facing of all those who live, yet one which many feel unable to address - how do we talk about death?

I am doing fieldwork, interviews and recordings in Denmark and Switzerland, and I will make a new body of works during four years, exploring how to improve the communication around the subject matter of death.

Throughout the project I will also explore how the participation in, and also the documentation of conversations can be used as an artistic material.

As part of the research I have trained to become a death doula myself, also known as a soul midwife. It is someone who helps emotionally and supports people at the end of life, through conversations and being by the side of the dying person. 

I am a PhD candidate at Zurich University of the Arts Switzerland and 

University of Art and Design, Linz, Austria.